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Our generous Contributors made possible development of Papers Please live concert documentary Two Pianos events in Philadelphia, Leipzig, Newark and Yonkers plus companion educational materials such as the Two Pianos Exhibits; color Exhibit brochures in German and English; event programs in German and English; and filming/editing the Highlights Videos displayed here or on the Two Pianos YouTube channel.  Donations of in-kind services supported video and audio tape conversions of family archival material for our multi-media presentations and provided expertise to produce full-length DVDs of the 2019 Rutgers and 2022 Yonkers events.  


Donations also enabled 2021 publication / distribution of A Border Town in Poland: A 20th Century Memoir and the second volume in this creative nonfiction series, Firebird, the Musical Life and Times of  Rebecca Burstein-Arbor (2023). A third volume, covering (among other events) Anna's pianist older sister Bertha and Bertha's musical family during and after the Siege of Leningrad (1941-1944), should appear in 2024.


Unique artifacts from Anna’s Nazi-era Leipzig Kulturbund concerts (1934, 1936) were donated by the Levin family to the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History (NMAJH), Philadelphia PA. Please click this link to view the online collections catalog entries.




2018:  The Judische Kulturbund Project, Gail Prensky, Director – Philadelphia PA

2019:  Ariowitsch Haus, Gisela Kallenbach, Director - Leipzig Germany

2019:  Institute for Jazz Studies, Wayne Winborne, Director - Rutgers University / Newark NJ

2022:  Untermyer Gardens Conservancy, Stephen Byrns, President - Yonkers, NY




City of Leipzig, Office for International Affairs and Office for Cultural Affairs




Premiere Concert & Full Exhibit: Mary Louise Curtis Branch, Settlement Music School – Philadelphia PA

Back-Story Concert & Exhibit: Grieg Haus (World HQ, Editions Peters Music Publishing) – Leipzig  

Two Pianos Concert & Display Case (Anna Burstein / Halina Neuman Admissions and Graduation records) -- Leipzig Conservatory

Two Pianos Concert & Full Exhibit: Paul Robeson Center – Rutgers University/ Newark

Two Pianos Concert: Persian Walled Garden, Untermyer Gardens Conservancy – Yonkers NY




Hyatt Corporation; Parkway Corporation -- Philadelphia 

Europische Stiftung der Rahn Dittrich Group; KSW Immobilien; Reinwald GmbH; Marriott Corporation -- Leipzig 

Yamaha Artist Services -- Rutgers/Newark




Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History (NMAJH) -- Philadelphia

Synagoge und Begegnungszentrum [Community Center] e.V. -- Leipzig 

Ahavas Sholom Synagogue -- Rutgers / Newark 




Video / Audio: Gail Prensky, Meteopa Productions -- Washington DC

DVDs: Stuart Schnitzer -- Newark NJ




$7,500 - $24,999 - Benefactors 


Hon. Lori Grifa and Edward Hoffman

Ann and Ken Hoffman

Nora Jean and Michael Levin

Paris Singer


$2,500 - $7,499 - Patrons


Gail Chesler

Margot K. Jones


$500 - $2,499 - Donors


Andrew S. Levin

Phyllis and Michael Levy

Hon. Andrew Maguire

Igor Mizine

Jane and Salomon Suwalsky

William R. Steiger Fund at Schwab Charitable


$25 - $499 – Supporters


Frances Baronowitz

Stu Berman

Jeri and Steve Bier

Betty Breen

Charitable Flex Fund

Miriam and Aaron Cohen

Nancy Colodny

Christine Danser

Harriet Derman

Jeffrey Epstein

Susan Glazer

Howard Gleckman

Gail Gordon

Stephanie Haftel

Charles Haniford

Jill Harris

Sandra Herbert

Bettina Hoerlin

Andrew Hoffman

Edward Hutman

Cynthia Kelly

Eliot N. Mag

Robert and Olivia Mausel

Frederick and Suzanne Miller

Eugene Mizine

Toby Needler

Mimi Pollack

Michelle Portnoff

Pro Piano 

Ellen Sazzman

Aaron Schneider

Susan Schneider

Sara Schoo

Harold Schwartz

Seth Shulman

Carol Solotoff

Bob and Lisa Suvalsky

Thomas Toronto

Joan and Steve Trachtenberg

Mira Weingarten

Renee and Joe Zuritsky

Five Anonymous gifts

Site contents copyright 2014-2024 and proprietary information of Papers Please Inc. unless otherwise noted.  All rights reserved.



Papers Please (EIN 83-1227096) is a Washington DC non-profit arts-service organization and Section 501(c)(3) tax exempt public charitable organization. 100% of contributions to Papers Please are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Papers Please initiatives primarily are funded through these donations, plus relationships with performance hosts and in-kind or financial support from individuals and local institutional partners.  Donations are welcome by credit card on-line by clicking this Network for Good link, or by check payable to Papers Please at 3605 Tilden Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20008. Please contact us for more information.

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