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                                                                        Alphabetical (generally, by author)



 “Aryanization” in Leipzig:  Driven Out. Robbed.  Murdered. (Exhibit Catalogue; Leipzig City History Museum, 2009)

Abbott, Frank D. et al., ed., Musical Instruments at the World’s Colombian Exposition (Presto, Chicago, 1895)

Almagor, Dan, “Musical Plays on the Hebrew Stage,” Israel Review of Arts & Letters (16 July 1998),

American Jewish Committee, The Jews in the Eastern War Zone (NY, 1916), (repub. at, e.g., Forgotten Books, NY, 2015),

Arendt, Hannah, The Origins of Totalitarianism (Allen & Unwin, London, 1958). 

______, The Jewish Writings (eds. Jerome Kohn & Ron H. Fekdman, Schocken, NY, 2007)

Arnold, Kathleen, ed., Anti-immigration in the United States:  A Historical Encyclopedia (Greenwood, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara CA) Vol 1 

Aschheim, Steven E., ed.,  Brothers and Strangers:  The East European Jew in German and German-Jewish Consciousness, 1800 - 1923 (Univ. Wisconsin Press, Madison WI, 1982).

Atkinson, Rick, The “Liberation Trilogy,”

Austin, W.E., Principles and Practice of Fur Dressing and Fur Dyeing  (Van Nostrand, NY, 1922) 




Barron, Stephanie et al., Degenerate Art: The Fate of the Avant-Garde in Nazi Germany (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1991).  

Beevor, Antony, Stalingrad:  The Fateful Siege (Viking Penguin, NY, 1998)

Beizer, Mikhail, The Jews of St. Petersburg: Excursions Through a Noble Past (ed. Martin Gilbert; tr. Michael Sherbourne; Jewish Publication Society. Phila. & NY, 1989).
Ben-Gurion, David ed., The Jews in Their Land (tr. Mordechai Nurock & Misha Louvish, Doubleday, NY, 1974)

Bentwich, Norman, “The Hebrew University in Exile: A Visit to Mount Scopus,” Commentary Magazine (1 Jan.1952), at

Bentwich, Norman, For Zion's Sake: A Biography of Judah Magnus, First Chancellor and First President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1984) 

Berg, Mary, Warsaw Ghetto:  A Diary (L.B. Fischer, NY, 1945)

Beringer, Oscar Daily Technical Exercises for Piano [numerous editions].

Berkowitz, Michael, Zionist Culture and West European Jewry Befofre the First World War (Univ. North Carolina, Chapel  Hill & London, 1996)

Bertram, Ellen, Menschen ohne Grabstein, Gedenkbuch fur die Leipziger jüdishen Opfer der nationalsoczialistischen Verfolgung (Passage-Verlag, Leipzig 2011)

Bialik, Chaim Nachman. trans. A.Z. Foreman, City of Slaughter [cite TBS].

Black, Edwin, IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation  (Expanded Edition, Dialog Press, NY, 2012)

Black, Edwin, The Transfer Agreement: The Untold Story of the Secret Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (MacMillan, NY, 1984)

Bliven, Bruce, “Thank You, Hitler!” The New Republic (10 Nov. 1937)

Blog 6/12/2006, see

Blumberg, Arnold, Nazi Germany's Consuls in Jerusalem, 1933 -1939, Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum of Tolerance On-Line Learning Center, Annual 4 Chapter 4 (Los Angeles, 1997)

Boehling, Rebecca & Uta Larkey, Life and Loss in the Shadow of the Holocaust (Cambridge, NY, 2011)

Bohlman, Philip V., The Land Where Two Streams Flow:  Music in the German-Jewish Community of Israel (U.Ill. Press, Urbana & Chicago, 1989)

Boulet, François, Les montagnes françaises 1940-1944 (Doctoral Thesis, Toulouse University, 1997),

Brand, Juliane, “The Dispersion of Hitler's Exiles:  European Musicians as Agents of Cultural Transformation,” Orel Foundation (ND, c. 2010),

Brown, Matthew F., “How was Hitler able to effect such an economic miracle in Germany between 1933 and 1939” (Aug. 2014),

BuÅ‚at, MirosÅ‚awa M., "Vilner Trupe." YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe (11-2-10);

Bullock, Alan, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (rev ed., Bantam, NY, 1961)

Burstein-Arber, Rebecca, Interview with Tamar Avidar, Yamim V'Laylot (Ma'ariv supplement) (2 July 1965)




Caplan, Jane & John Torpey, eds., Documenting Individual Identity: The Development of State Practices in the Modern World (Princeton, Princeton NJ, 2001) 

Chelouche, Josef Eliahu, Parashat Hayai (“Reminiscences [literally, “Portions”] of My Life”) (1931; repub. Babel Press, Tel Aviv, 2005)

Cherkasov, A. et al, “’Dead Men Attack’ (Osovetz 1915) – An Archive Sources Approach” (ND, c. 2011), on-line at

Cohen, Adam, “Harvard’s Eugenics Era,” Harvard Magazine (March/April 2016) p. 51

Cohen, Adam, Imbeciles: The Supreme Court, American Eugenics, and the Sterilization of Carrie Buck (Penguin, NY, 2016),

Cohen, Andrew W., Contraband:  Smuggling and the Birth of the American Century (Norton, NY, 2015) 

Colodny, Nancy & Gerald Fields, The Desoretz Family History (Washington DC (Spring 1988).

Conquest, Robert, The Great Terror:  A Reassessment (Oxford, NY, 2008) 

Conrad, Mike, “The White Paper of 1939,” American Thinker (June 2, 2013),

Cornfield, Giveon, Lilian: Israel’s First Lady of Cuisine (XLibris, NY, 2012)

Crankshaw, Edward J., The Shadow of the Winter Palace (Viking, NY, 1976) p. 37. 




Dauvé, G. & D. Authier, Chap. 7, “The Confrontations,” in The Communist Left in Germany 1918 – 1921.

Davidowicz, Lucy S., A Holocaust Reader (Library of Jewish Studies, Behrman, NY, 1976)

Dawidowicz, Lucy S. , The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945  (Bantam, NY, 1976)

De Tocqueville, Alexis, Democracy in America

de Waal, Edmund, The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Family’s Century of Art and Loss (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 2010)

deWaal, Elisabeth, The Exukles Return:  A Novel (Picador, NY, 2013)

Degrelle, [General] Leon, “How Hitler Consolidated Power in Germany and Launched a Social Revolution:  The First Years of the Third Reich,” Journal of Historical Review, Fall 1992 (Vol. 12, No. 3), pp. 299-370,

Dellheim, Charles, “The Business of Jews,” in Kenneth Lipartito & David B. Sicilia, eds., Constructing Corporate America: History, Politics, Culture (Oxford U. Press, NY, 2004); 

Delman, Edward, “Understanding Hitler’s Anti-Semitism,” The Atlantic (9 Sept.2015),

Denhoed, Andrea, “The Forgotten Lessons of the American Eugenics Movement,”

Detwiler, Donald S., Germany: A Short History (Southern Illinois Univ. Press, Carbondale, 1999),

Döblin Alfred, A People Betrayed:  November 1918 (1939; John E. Woods, trans.; Frommer, NY, 1983, 1987) 

Döblin Alfred, Berlin Alexanderplatz:  The Story of Franz Biberkopf (1929; Eugene Jolas trans.; Frederick Ungar, NY, c. 1969).

Dobroszyicki, Lucjan & Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Image Before My Eyes: A Photographic History of Jewish Life in Poland 1864-1939 (Schocken, NY, 1977)

Dobson, Sean, Authority and Upheaval in Leipzig, 1910 – 1920:  The Story of a Relationship (Columbia Univ. Press, NY, 2001)

Doerr,  Anthony, All the Light We Cannot See (Scribner, NY, 2014),

Dolev, Diana, The Planning and Building of the Hebrew University 1919-1948 (Lexington Books, NY, 2016)

Dubal, David, The Art of the Piano:  Its Performers, Literature and Recordings (Hal Leonard Corp., NY, 2004 ) 

Dunmore, Helen, The Siege:  A Novel (Grove, NY, 2001) 

Dulles, John Foster, “Reparations:  The Largest Bill Ever Presented,” in TEY, op cit




Eisenstadt:  Germany (Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington DC, 1980).

Engdahl, F. William,   A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (Dr. Bottinger Verlags, Berlin, 1992; English ed. 1993),

Engel, D., “World War I,” YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe (2010),

Ermosilla, Valérie, La Résistance juive dans le Tarn –1939-1944- Réalités et représentations [Jewish Resistance in the Tarn—1939-1944 - Reality and representations], Master’s thesis, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 1987

Estèbe, S., Les Juifs à Toulouse et en Midi toulousain [The Jews of Toulouse and the surrounding southern region], Toulouse, P.U.M [University of Toulouse-Le Mirail Press], 1996, 




Fallada, Hans (Rudolf Ditzen), Every Man Dies Alone (Melville House, NY, 2009), reviewed at

_______, A Small Circus:  A Novel (tr. Michael Hoffman, Arcade, NY, 2012)(orig, pub. Rohwalt, Berlin, 1931)

Farbman, Michael G., “Holy Russia,” in TEY, op cit.

Ferguson, Adam J., When Money Dies: The Nightmare of Deficit Spending, Devaluation, and Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany (1975; Public Affairs, NY, 2010).

Fitzpatrick, Sheila, The Commissariat of Enlightenment:  Soviet Organization of Education and the Arts under Lunacharsky, 1917-1921 (Cambridge University, London, 2002)

______, Everyday Stalinism:  Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s (Oxford, NY, 2000)

Flender, Harold, Rescue in Denmark (Holocaust Library, NY, 1963)

Friedländer, Saul,  Nazi Germany and the Jews:  The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939 (HarperCollins, NY, 1997)

Friedrich, Otto, Before the Deluge: A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s (Harper & Row, NY, 1972)

Furst, Alan, Red Gold (Random House, NY, 1999).




Gartshitshi, Itsik, “The Zionist Movement in Grayeve,” trans. Miriam Leberstein, Part II, “Community and Culture” Grajewo Poland Memorial Book (2014) (English version of Grayeve Yizker-Bukh (United Grayever Relief Committee, NY, 1950),  

Garvin, J. L. “Peace Without Settlement” in TEY, op cit

Garvin, J. L., “Present and Future,” in TEY, op cit  

Garvin, J.L., “Peace Without Settlement” and “The Present and Future,” in TEY (Encyclopedia Pub. Co., London, 1924) Vol. I 

Geis, Saly, ed., Um Das Alte-Neue Land [To the Old New Land: Palestine Papers of True Torah Jews], (Sanger & Friedberg, Frankfurt, 1925),

Gelber, Sylva M., No Balm in Gilead: A Personal Retrospective of Mandate Days in Palestine (McGill-Queens, Montreal, 1989)

Gilbert, Martin, Churchill and the Jews: A Lifelong Friendship (Holt, NY, 2007)

Gilbert, Martin, Israel:  A History. (Harper, NY, 2008) 

Gilbert, Martin, The Holocaust:  A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War (Henry Holt, NY, 1985)

Gilbert, Martin, The Jews of Russia:  Their History in Maps and Photographs (Steimatzsky, Tel Aviv, 1979)

Goffman, Erving, Stigma:  Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity (Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1963)

Goldberg, J.J.  “Kishinev 1903: The Birth of a Century -- Reconsidering the 49 Deaths That Galvanized a Generation and Changed Jewish History,” The Forward (April 4, 2003), online at

Goldman, Marshal, Petrostate:  Putin, Power, and the New Russia (Oxford Univ. Press, 2008) 

Goldsmith, Martin, The Inextinguishable Symphony: A True Story of Music and Love in Nazi Germany (Wiley, NY, 2001)

Götz, Aly & Suzanne Heim, Architects of Annihilation: Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction (tr. Allan Blunden; Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London, 2002), 

Gradenwitz, Peter, Music and Musicians in Israel:  A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Israeli Music (Israeli Music Publications Ltd., Tel Aviv, 1959) 

Grajewo Poland Memorial (Yiskor) Book (trans. of 1950 original; JewishGen, NY, 2013) (“Yiskor Book”)

Greenberg, Louis, The Jews in Russia:  The Struggle for Emancipation, Vol I: 1772 – 1880; Vol II: 1880-1918 (Schocken, NY, 1976)

Guérin, Daniel, The Brown Plague: Travels in Late Weimar and Early Nazi Germany, trans. R. Schwartzwald (Duke Univ. Press, Durham & London, 1994)

Gumbel, Emil J., Four Years of Political Murder (Verlag Neuen Gesellschaft, Berlin, 1922)




Halperin, Liora R., Babel in Zion:  Jews, Nationalism and Language Diversity in Palestine (Yale, New Haven, 2014)

Harari, Y[ehudit], Woman and Mother in Israel (Massada Press, Tel Aviv, 1959) (in Hebrew) 

Heskes, Irene, Passport to Jewish Music:  Its History, Traditions, and Culture (Greenwood, NY, 1994) 

Hickey, Martha Weitzel, The Writer in Petrograd and the House of Arts (Northwestern U. Press, Evanston, 2009)

Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction of the European Jews (Holmes & Meier, BY, 1985)(student ed.)

Hillis, Faith, "Children of ‘Rus': Right-Bank Ukraine and the Invention of a Russian Nation" (Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca NY, 2013)

Hirschberg, Yehoash, Music in the Jewish Community of Palestine 1880-1948 (Clarendon, Oxford, 1995)

Ho, Alan B. and Dmitry Feofanov, The Shostakovich Wars, on-line 31 Aug. 2011, rev. 16 Oct. 2014:

Hoerlin, Bettina, Steps of Courage:  My Parents’ Journey from Nazi Germany to America (Author House, Bloomington IN, 2011).

Howard K. Smith, Last Train from Berlin (Knopf, NY, 1942).








Ibn Zahav, Ari, Dzshegtshares [The Tar Jews] by [Leybl Goldshteyn] (Akhiever, Warsaw, 1939). 

Ibn Zahav, Ari, Jessica, My Daughter (trans. Julian Meltzer, Crown, NY, 1948)




John, Robert, Behind the Balfour Declaration: Britain’s Great War Pledge to Lord Rothschild  (N.D., c. 1988)

Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) of New York, Workingmens Kitchen NY, 1914-1919; on line at  _____

Jordan, Ruth, Daughter of the Waves:  Memories of Growing Up in Pre-War Palestine (Taplinger, NY, 1983) 




Kaplan, Sholmo, ed., Bamitzad:  Songs of the Israel Army (General Labor Federation [Histradrut], No. 31., Tel Aviv, 1948)

Kel’ner, Victor, “Simon Dubnow and the Question of Jewish Emigration”, in J. Sholte et al. eds. The Russian Jewish Diaspora and European Culture 1917-1937 (Institute for Jewish Studies, Brill, Leiden, 2012)

Kelly, Catriona, Children’s World:  Growing Up in Russia, 1890-1991 (Yale, New Haven, 2007)

Kendall, Elizabeth, Balenchine and the Lost Muse: Revolution and the Making of a Choreographer (Oxford Univ. Press, London, 2013) 

Kessler, Harry, Berlin in Lights: the Diaries of Count Harry Kessler 1918-1937 (Grove Press, NY, 1971). 

Khalidi, Walid, Before Their Diaspora:  A Photographic History of the Palestinians, 1876 – 1948 (Institute for Palestine Studies, Washington DC, 1991).

King, Charles, Midnight at the Pera Palace:  the Birth of Modern Istanbul (Norton, NY, 2014)

Kochan, Lionel, ed., The Jews in Soviet Russia Since 1917 (3d ed., Institute of Jewish Affairs, Oxford, London, 1978)

Kohut, Thomas A., A German Generation (Yale, New Haven, 2012)

Koncepolsky-Chludniewitz, Dinah, “The End of the Kolno Community:  Told by the Only Survivor,” Kolno Memorial Book (Eds. Aizik Remba & Benjamin Halevy; Jewish Gen, Tel Aviv, 1971),  

Krasikov, Sana, The Patriots:  A Novel (Spiegel & Grau, NY, 2017)

Kreutner, S. J., Mein Leipzig (Rubin Mass, Jerusalem, 1982)

Kroyanker, David, “Swastikas over Jerusalem,” (originally published in Ha’aretz. 11-13-2008).

Kruse, Kevin M, One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America (Basic Books, Phila., 2015).,




Lacey, G. & K. Shephard, Germany 1918-1945:  A Study in Depth (Hodder Murray, London, 1997)

Lange, Berndt-Lutz, Juedische Spuren in Leipzig (1993) 

Langeheine, Rico, “A Leipzig Fur Family” [Inter-generational   Study of the German-Jewish Fein Family] (M.Phil. dissertation, Univ. of Sussex, 2013)  

Laqueur, Walter,  A History of Zionism (Schocken, NY, 1976)

Laqueur, Walter, ed., The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict (Bantam, NY, 1969) 

Larson, Erik, In the Garden of Beasts:  Love, Terror and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin (Crown, NY, 2011)

Laser, Kurt, “Effects of the Transfer of Power to the Nazi Party on German-Soviet Economic Relationships,” IV Journal fur Wirtshaftsgeschicte (1974)

Latané, John H., “The United States Becomes a World Power,” in TEY, op cit

Laughlin, J. L., “The Madness of Paper Money Inflation,” in TEY, op cit

Lerner, Paul, The Consuming Temple: Jews, Department Stores, and the Consumer Revolution in Germany (Cornell Univ. Press, NY, 2015).

Levi, Primo, Survival in Auschwitz:  the Nazi Assault on Humanity (originally What Is a Man?) (tr. Stuart Woolf, Touchstone, Simon & Schuster. NY, 1996)

____, The Periodic Table (tr. Raymond Rosenthal, Schocken, NY, 1984)

____, The Drowned and the Saved (tr. Raymond Rosenthal, Vintage, Random House, NY, 1989)

Levin, Dov & Zvie A. Brown, The Story of an Underground: the Resistance of the Jews of Kovno in the Second World War (tr. Jessica Setbon, Gefen, Jerusalem & NY, 2014)

Levin, Isaac Don , ed., The Kaiser’s Letters to the Tsar (Hodder & Stoughton, London 1920)  

Lewis, Sinclair, It Can’t Happen Here (Signet re-issue, NY, 2014)

Lidegaard, Bo, Countrymen: the Untold Story of How Denmark’s Jews Escaped the Nazis, of the Courage of Their Fellow Danes -- and of the Extraordinary Role of the SS (Knopf, NY, 2013) 

Lilienfeld, David, La vie quotidienne des Juifs dans le département de l’Ariège de 1940 à 1945 [Everyday life of the Jews in the department of the Ariège 1940 - 1945], mémoire de maîtrise [Master’s thesis], Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 1997

Lobanova, Marina, tr. David Babcock, Maria Yudina (Hamburg Arts Univ., January/March 2009)

Loeffler, James, The Most Musical Nation: Jews and Culture in the Late Russian Empire (Yale, New Haven, 2010).

Loesser, Arthur, Men, Women and Pianos: A Social History (Dover, NY, 1990)

Logsdon, Jonathan R, “Power, Ignorance and Anti-Semitism: Henry Ford and His War on Jews” (Hanover College, IN, c. 1999),

Ludendorff, Erich, “Germany Never Defeated!” in TEY, op cit

Lukas, Richard C., ed., Out of the Inferno: Poles Remember the Holocaust (University Press of Kentucky, Louisville KY, 1989)  




Magid, Shaul, review of Liora R. Halperin, Babel in Zion:  Jews, Nationalism and Language Diversity in Palestine (Yale, New Haven, 2014), http//   

Mandelstam,. Nadezhda, Hope Against Hope:  A Memoir (tr. Max Hayward, Modern Library, NY, 1999)

Marc, Sandra, Les Juifs de Lacaune sous Vichy (1942-1944), assignation à résidence et persécution [The Jews of Lacaune under Vichy (1940-1944), mémoire de maîtrise [Master’s thesis], Paris, L’Harmattan, 2001 

Marie of Rumania, The Story of My Life. (Cassell, London, 3 vols., 1934 --)

Marrus, R. & O. Paxton Vichy et les Juifs (Calmann Levy, Coll. Essais [the Essays collection], Paris, 1993)

Massie, Robert K., “Introduction” to The Last Diary of Tsaritsa Alexandra (in English; eds. Vladimir A. Kozlov & Vladimir M. Krustalev; Yale, New Haven 1997)  

Mayer, Dr. Erna, “Wie kocht man in Erez-Israel?” [How to Cook in Eretz-Yisroel](Women’s International Zionist Organization (WIZO), Tel Aviv, 1936)(in German, English and Hebrew)

Mazour, A.G., Russia: Tsarist and Communist (Van Nostrand, Princeton NJ, 1962)

McCormick, Robert R., With the Russian Army (MacMillan, NY, 1915).

McKeown, Adam, “Global Migration 1846-1970,” 15 Journal of World History No.2 (June 2004),

McNeal, Robert H., The Bolshevik Tradition: Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1963)

Mendelsohn, Ezra, ed., People of the City:  Jews and the Urban Challenge (Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) ( Oxford, NY, 1999)

Meyers, David N., Between Jew and Arab: The Lost Voice of Simon Ravidowitz (Brandeis University Press, Waltham MA, 2008)

Moddel, Phillip, Joseph Achron (Israeli Music Publications, Tel Aviv, 1966)

Moynahan, Brian, Leningrad Siege and Symphony (Atlantic Monthly Press, NY, 2013)

Mukherjee, Siddhartha, The Gene: An Intimate History (Scribner, NY, 2016), reviewed at (e.g.) Andrew Solomon, “A Breakthrough for science isn’t always a win for humanity,” Washington Post (5-5-16 p B-1),




Naimark-Goldberg, Natalie, “The Haunted Spas of Europe,” reviewing Zadoff, Next Year in Marienbad op cit.

Nelson, Amy, Music for the Revolution: Musicians and Power in Early Soviet Russia, (Penn State Univ. Press, College Park PA, 2010), 

Neuman, Johanna Lights, Camera, War:  Is Media Technology Driving International Politics? (St. Martin’s, NY, 1996), 

Niewyk, Donald L., The Jews in Weimar Germany (Transaction Press, New Brunswick NJ, 2001)

Norton, Rictor, “Gay Love-Letters from Tchaikovsky to His Nephew Bob Davidov,” Gay History and Literature (11-22-11),



Obolensky, Valerian, Russians in Exile- The History Of A Diaspora  (_____________)   

Orlow, Dietrich, The Lure of Fascism in Western Europe: German Nazis, Dutch and French Fascists 1933-1939 (MacMillan, NY, 2009)

Owen, Gail, “Dollar Diplomacy in Default:  The Economics of Russian-American Relations, 1910-1917,” The Historical Journal Vol. XIII (1970)




Palmer, Torsten & Hendrik Neubauer, eds., The Weimar Republic Through the Lens of the Press (Konneman, Cologne, 2000)

PBS series, “The Holocaust,”

Peri, Alexis, The War Within:  Diaries from the Siege of Leningrad (Harvard, Cambridge MA, 2017)

Pleysier, Albert, The Blockade and Battle of Leningrad (Univ. Press of America: Lanham MD, 2008)

Posnanski, R., Etre Juif en France pendant la seconde guerre mondiale [Being Jewish in France during the Second World War] (Hachette, Coll. La vie quotidienne [the Everyday life collection], Paris, 1994)

Poznansky, Alexander, Tchaikovsky Through Others’ Eyes (Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington IN, 1999)

Prechtel-Klustens, Claire, "By Way of Vera Cruz, Mexico," NGS NewsMagazine 31:1 (Jan. 2005): 27-28;

Preil, Joseph J., ed., Holocaust Testimonies:  European Survivors and American Liberators in New Jersey (Rutgers Univ. Press, NJ, 2001)

Pundik, Herbert, In Denmark It Could Not Happen:  the Flight of the Jews to Sweden in 1943 (trans. Anette Mester, Gefen, Jerusalem, 1998) 

Purishkevich, V. M., The Murder of Rasputin:  A First-Hand Account from the Diary of One of Rasputin’s Murderers (trans. Bella Costello, ed. Michael E. Shaw; Ardis, Ann Arbor MI, 1985)




Rapp, Nachman & Schmuel Kaminski, “The Holocaust,” in Yiskor Book, op cit.

Remnick, David, “The Dissenters,” The New Yorker (28 Feb.2011),

Rischin, Rebecca, For the End of Time:  the Story of the Messiaen Quartet (Cornell, Ithaca NY, 2003)

Rinderspacher, Alfred, "World Career and 50 Years of Activity in an Orchestra; Alfred Rinderspacher [Interviews] the Bassoonist Morchehai Rechtman," trans. Julia Rosemeyer, Mainz, Germany [from an article which first appeared in Das Orchester: Zeitschrift fūr Orchesterkultur und Rundfunk-Chorwesen, Vol. 49., No. 12 (Dec. 2001; pp. 24-26), reprinted in The Double Reed (Vol. 25 No. 1, p. 81]

Rosenberg, Morris, Songs of Labor and Other Poems (trans. R. P. Stokes & H. Frank, __, NY, 1914)

Rosenhaft, Eve, Beating the Fascists: The German Communists and Political Violence (Cambridge Univ. Press, London, 1983, 2008)

Roth, Cecil, History of the Jews (Schocken, NY, 1961)

Rubin, Ruth, A Treasury of Jewish Folksong (Schocken, NY, 1950)

Ryding, Erik & Rebecca Peshevsky, Bruno Walter:  A World Elsewhere (Yale, New Haven, 2008).




Saleski, Gdal, Famous Musicians of Jewish Origin (Bloch, NY, 1949).

Salisbury, Harrison, The 900 Days:  The Siege of Leningrad (Harper & Row, NY, 1969) 

Sanders, Ronald, The Shores of Refuge: A Hundred Years of Jewish Emigration (Schocken, NY, 1989)

Sargent, Lynn M., Harmony and Discord:  Music and the Transformation of Russian Cultural Life (Oxford, NY, 2011)

Schecter, Hillel, “Testimony of Hillel Shechter about Jewish Life in Leipzig During the 1930’s,” Yad Vashem Shoah Resource Center, The International School for Holocaust Studies (Archive 03. 9059) 

Schinkoeth, T., Juedische Musiker in Leipzig 1855–1945 (1994)

Sholem, Gershon, From Berlin to Jerusalem:  Memories of My Youth (1977; trans. Harry Zohn, Paul Dry, Philadelphia, 2012).

Schrover, Marlou et al., eds., Illegal Migration and Gender in a Global and Historical Perspective (Amsterdam Univ. Press, 2008),

Schulte, Jorg et al., eds, The Russian-Jewish Diaspora and European Culture 1917-1937 (Institute of Jewish Studies, Brill, Leiden, 2012)

Segev, Tom, tr. Haim Watzman, One Palestine, Complete:  Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate (Henry Holt, NY, 2001) 

Sewell, Rob, “The Kapp Putsch,” in Rob Sewall’s Germany – From Revolution to Counter-Revolution (

Shavit, Ari, My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel (Spiegel & Grau, NY, 2013).

Shavit, Ari, “Lydda, 1948:  A city, a massacre, and the Middle East today,” The New Yorker (10-21-13), ; reviewed at (e.g.) (Leon Wieseltier, 11-21-13). 

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Silberman, Neil Asher, Digging for God and Country: Exploration, Archaeology, and the Secret Struggle for the Holy Land, 1799-1917 (Knopf, NY, 1982)

Silver, Daniel B., Refuge in Hell: How Berlin’s Jewish Hospital Outlasted the Nazis (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 2003), reviewed at

Silverman, J., The Yiddish Song Book, (Stein & Day, NY, 1983)  

Simpson, Jerome, “What Will Become of the Children?” Parts I and II, in A Prussian Family’s Passage Through Leipzig (c. 2013);

Sitsky, Larry, Music of the Repressed Russian Avant-Garde, 1900-1929 (Greenwood, NY, 1994) 

Skomorovsky, Boris and E. G. Morris, The Siege of Leningrad:  The saga of the greatest siege of all times as told by the letters, documents and stories of the brave people who withstood it (Dutton, NY, 1945) 

Snyder, Timothy, “Neglecting the Lithuanian Holocaust,” New York Review of Books (July 25, 2011),  

Snyder, Timothy, Black Earth: the Holocaust as History and Warning (Duggan Books, Crown, New York, 2015)

Snyder, Timothy, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (Basic Books, NY, 2012)

Solmssen, Arthur R.G., A Princess in Berlin (Little, Brown; Boston, 1980) 

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, August 1914 (trans. Michael Glenny, Farrar Straus Giroux, NY, 1972) 

Spector, S. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust (2001)

Srodes, James, Spies in Palestine; Love, Betrayal, and the Heroic Life of Sarah Aaronsohn (Counterpoint, Berkeley CA, 2016)

Staar, R. F., "Music for the Revolution: Musicians and Power in Early Soviet Russia” (review). Mediterranean Quarterly 16.1 (2005)

Stanton, Andrea, “Jerusalem Calling:  The Birth of the Palestine Broadcasting Service,” Journal of Palestine Studies Issue 50 (2012) p. 6;

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Stashower, Daniel, “Is Smuggling . . . an American Founding Principle?” Washington Post Sec. B  p. 5 (Aug. 21, 2015),,  reviewing Andrew Wender Cohen, Contraband op cit

Stees, Barry, “Christmas for Bassoon!” (Dec. 2012),

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