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Several items in the curated Two Pianos companion Exhibit previously were featured in Jewish Life in Leipzig Until 1933, an exhibit co-sponsored by Leo Baeck Institute-New York and German State Library-Leipzig June 28-Sept. 15, 2015. 


The Exhibit goes beyond Two Pianos' story lines by documenting in vivid day-to-day detail how our main characters traversed fate, luck and obstacles to secure identity papers, visas, passports and eventual U.S. citizenship in an increasingly hostile world. Their paths exemplify the journeys of waves of immigrant risk-takers then dreaming -- and dreaming now -- of better shores. 


The portable Exhibit was designed to accompany live Two Pianos performances.  However, it also can be stand-alone and tailored to the interests and configuration of sponsor sites or audiences.


Potential Exhibit materials include: 


o Ten 7' standing illustrated pop-up story panels that can set the scene, un-spool a succinct narrative, and complement exhibit cases or other materials.

o Digitized audio selections.

o Repeating loops of Two Pianos highlights videos or other recorded selections, displayed on tabletop e-notebooks.

o Curated exhibit items that may include the characters' personal  books, sheet music, household items, period luggage, concert posters and programs, newspaper concert reviews (translated and original), photos, correspondence, official travel documents, or mementos.


More information on the Exhibit is here and here. 


Three banner headings from the free-standing portable panels which help tell this story are below.


Two Pianos: Playing for Life, companion exhibit brochure cover (2019)

English-language Exhibit Brochure, 32 pp., color, 2019

Two Pianos: Playing for Life, exhibit panel banner -- Leipzig's allure
Two Pianos: Playing for Life, exhibnit panel banner -- Exclusion
Two Pianos: Playing for Life, exhibnit panel banner -- Seeking Shelter

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